क्या आपको पता है कि भारतीय वाहनों पर अलग अलग रंगों के नंबर प्लेट्स क्यों लगे होते हैं ?
MP Board IMP 2022-23
12th Physics
Notes:- Reduce syllabus are not involve.
Unit 1 Electrostatics
(Total Marks:06, 1Marks:1Ques, 2Marks:1Ques, 3Marks:1Ques}
- Write Coulomb’s law regarding electricity.
- Why do two electric field lines not intersect?
- What is called electric flux?
- Electric field inside a conductor is zero? Why
- What is an electric dipole ?
- Derive an expression for the electric field intensity due to an electric dipole at a neutral position.
- Write Gauss’s law for electric flux.
- What is called electric induction? How is an object charged by the method of induction?
- Write two differences between magnetic field lines and electric field lines.
Physics IMP Questions
- What is an Equipotential Surface?
- What factors affect the capacitance of a conductor?
- Why is Earth’s potential considered zero?
- Is it possible to conduct a farad capacitance in practice? Give reason for your answer.
- What is the potential? Name the factors affecting the potential of a conductor and state how they affect the potential.
- Prove that the potential at any point in the transverse position of the electric pole is zero?
- Deduce the formula for the capacitance of a spherical conductor?
- Derive an expression for the equivalent capacitance of the capacitors connected in parallel/series. Draw a diagram of the combination.
(Total Marks:10, 1Marks:2Ques, 2Marks:1Ques, 3Marks:2Ques}
- What is the resistance temperature coefficient called? Write its unit?
- Write Ohm’s law.Write it’s limitation.
- What is mobility? Write the unit of mobility?
- Write and explain Kirchhoff’s laws.
- Draw the electrical diagram of Wheatstone bridge. Explain its principle and derive the necessary condition P/Q=R/S for its equilibrium.
- Establish a relationship between the internal resistance, terminal voltage, and voltage of a cell.
- Find the relation between current and drift velocity of electrons.
- Establish the relationship between the runoff velocity (tracing velocity) and the current density.
- On what factors does the resistance of a conductor depend?
- Explain the difference between resistance and resistivity. Physics IMP Questions
Unit 3 Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism
(Total Marks:6, 1Marks:4Ques, 2Marks:1Ques}
Chapter 4: Moving Charges and Magnetism
- Write the law of Bio-Savart.
- Write Ampere’s circuit law.
- Write any two properties of magnetic field lines.
- Write any two differences between ammeter and voltmeter.
- Who is Shunt? Establish the necessary expression for the value of shunt?
Chapter 5: Magnetism and Matter
- What are magnetic field lines? Write down their qualities.
- Compare the magnetic properties of steel and iron.
- Find the expression for the moment of a pair of forces acting in a uniform magnetic field.
- What will happen if a bar magnet is melted, will its magnetism remain?
Unit 4 Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating Current
(Total Marks:11, 1Marks:4Ques, 2Marks:1Ques, 5Marks:1Ques}
Chapter 6: Electromagnetic Induction
- Explain what is called mutual induction.
- Write Fleming’s right hand rule.
- Define a Henry unit.
- Write Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
- What is self-inductance? Deduce an expression for the self-inductance of a long solenoid.
- What is dynamo, describe the principle and structure of alternating current dynamo with diagram
- Write any four differences between self-induction and mutual induction.
Chapter 7: Alternating Current
- Write the difference between alternating current and direct current.
- Why doesn’t electrolysis occur by alternating current?
- In civil power distribution, alternating current is given, not direct current. Why?
- What is the quality coefficient? Write the formula for it. Physics IMP Questions
- What is meant by reactance of capacitor in the AC circuit? Get its expression.
- Obtain for the AC circuit – Pav = Vrms x Irms x cos
- AC For a circuit in which L-C-R is all three, establish the formula for the impedance of the circuit by making a phasor diagram, and write the relationship for each position in the alternating insulating force and current.
- Explain transformer on the following points:
- named picture
- Theory
- Formula of Regression Ratio
- due to energy loss
Unit 5 Electromagnetic Waves
(Total Marks:4, 1Marks:4Ques}
Chapter 8: Electromagnetic Waves
Unit 6 Optics
(Total Marks:14, 1Marks:4Ques, 2Marks:1Ques, 3Marks:1Ques, 5Marks:1Ques}
Chapter 9: Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
- What is called total internal reflection? Write the necessary conditions for this.
- What is the minimum deviation angle of a prism called?
- The radius of curvature of a concave mirror is 16 cm, find its focal length?
- Why does the bottom of a pond full of water appear raised? Physics IMP Questions
- Establish a relation between focal length and radius of curvature R for a concave mirror f = R/2
- Define the power of a lens and write its unit
- Write the difference between refracting telescope and reflecting telescope.
- Establish the mirror formula for a spherical mirror.
- Establish the formula of the lens manufacturer.
- Establish the formula for the magnifying power of a refracting telescope.
- Find the expression for the magnifying power of a simple microscope, when the final image
- built on infinity
- Be at the minimum distance of clear vision.
Chapter 10: Wave Optics
- What is interference? Write an example of this.
- Write the principle of superposition of light waves.
- Sound waves are more diffracted than light waves; Why? Physics IMP Questions
- Explain Huygen’s theory of secondary wavelets.
- Write the epigraphs of Huygen’s wave theory
- Explain the phenomenon of the laws of reflection and refraction on the basis of Huygen’s theory of secondary wavelets.
- Young’s double slit experiment
Unit 7 Dual Nature of Matter
(Total Marks:5, 1Marks:3Ques, 2Marks:1Ques}
Chapter 11: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
- What is electronic? These are of type.
- Dual natural lighting of the scene.
- Double the quality of the dry?
- De-Boglie’s particle-wave vision in daily life?
- What is photo cell?
Unit 8 Atoms & Nuclei
(Total Marks:7, 1Marks:3Ques, 2Marks:2Ques}
Chapter 12: Atoms
- Why does the gold-nucleus remain stationary during the scattering process in Rutherford’s experiment?
- What is called the Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum?
- Differentiate between Rutherford’s atomic model and Bohr’s atomic model.
Chapter 13: Nuclei
- What is nuclear force called?
- What is nuclear fission?
- What is meant by binding energy of a nucleus?
Unit 9 Electronic Devices
(Total Marks:7, 1Marks:3Ques, 4Marks:1Ques}
Chapter 14: Semiconductor Electronics
- Write the symbol and truth table of NOT, OR, AND, NOR, NAND gate
- How to get OR and AND gates with the help of NAND gate? Explain with the help of diagram
- Explain the forward and backward biases in a P-N junction diode and draw the characteristic curve for the flow of current.
- Explain the difference between N and P type semiconductors. Physics IMP Questions