12th Physics (English) MP Board 2024-25
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    MP Board IMP 2024-25
    12th Physics

    Unit 1 Electrostatics
    {Total Marks:16 Unit:01 add Unit:02}



    1. Write Coulomb’s law regarding electricity.
    2. Why do two electric field lines not intersect?
    3. What is called electric flux?
    4. Electric field inside a conductor is zero? Why
    5. What is an electric dipole ?


    1. Derive an expression for the electric field intensity due to an electric dipole at a neutral position.
    2. Write Gauss’s law for electric flux.
    3. Derive an expression for the electric field intensity due to an electric dipole at a axial position.
    4. Write differences between magnetic field lines and electric field lines.



    1. What is an Equipotential Surface?
    2. What factors affect the capacitance of a conductor?
    3. Why is Earth’s potential considered zero?
    4. Is it possible to conduct a farad capacitance in practice? Give reason for your answer.


    1. What is the potential? Name the factors affecting the potential of a conductor and state how they affect the potential.
    2. Prove that the potential at any point in the transverse position of the electric pole is zero?
    3. Deduce the formula for the capacitance of a spherical conductor?
    4. Derive an expression for the equivalent capacitance of the capacitors connected in parallel/series. Draw a diagram of the combination.

    {Total Marks:16 Unit:01 add Unit:02}



    1. What is the resistance temperature coefficient called? Write its unit?
    2. Write Ohm’s law.Write it’s limitation.
    3. What is mobility? Write the unit of mobility?


    1. Write and explain Kirchhoff’s laws.
    2. Draw the electrical diagram of Wheatstone bridge. Explain its principle and derive the necessary condition  P/Q=R/S for its equilibrium.
    3. Establish a relationship between the internal resistance, terminal voltage, and voltage of a cell.
    4. Find the relation between current and drift velocity of electrons.
    5. Establish the relationship between the runoff velocity (tracing velocity) and the current density.
    6. On what factors does the resistance of a conductor depend?
    7. Explain the difference between resistance and resistivity.

    Unit 3 Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism
    (Total Marks:6, 1Marks:4Ques, 2Marks:1Ques}

    Chapter 4: Moving Charges and Magnetism


    1. Write the law of Bio-Savart.
    2. Write Ampere’s circuit law.
    3. Write any two properties of magnetic field lines.
    4. Write any two differences between ammeter and voltmeter.
    5. Who is Shunt? Establish the necessary expression for the value of shunt?

    Chapter 5: Magnetism and Matter


    1. What are magnetic field lines? Write down their qualities.
    2. Compare the magnetic properties of steel and iron.
    3. Find the expression for the moment of a pair of forces acting in a uniform magnetic field.
    4. What will happen if a bar magnet is melted, will its magnetism remain?

    Unit 4 Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating Current
    (Total Marks:11, 1Marks:4Ques, 2Marks:1Ques, 5Marks:1Ques}

    Chapter 6: Electromagnetic Induction


    1. Explain what is called mutual induction.
    2. Write Fleming’s right hand rule.
    3. Define a Henry unit.
    4. Write Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.


    1. What is self-inductance? Deduce an expression for the self-inductance of a long solenoid.
    2. What is dynamo, describe the principle and structure of alternating current dynamo with diagram
    3. Write any four differences between self-induction and mutual induction.

    Chapter 7: Alternating Current


    1. Write the difference between alternating current and direct current.
    2. Why doesn’t electrolysis occur by alternating current?
    3. In civil power distribution, alternating current is given, not direct current. Why?
    4. What is the quality coefficient? Write the formula for it.


    1. What is meant by reactance of capacitor in the AC circuit? Get its expression.
    2. Obtain for the AC circuit – Pav = Vrms x Irms x cos
    3. AC For a circuit in which L-C-R is all three, establish the formula for the impedance of the circuit by making a phasor diagram, and write the relationship for each position in the alternating insulating force and current.
    4. Explain transformer on the following points:
      1. named picture
      2. Theory
      3. Formula of Regression Ratio
      4. due to energy loss

    Unit 5 Electromagnetic Waves
    (Total Marks:4, 1Marks:4Ques}

    Chapter 8: Electromagnetic Waves

    Unit 6 Optics
    (Total Marks:14, 1Marks:4Ques, 2Marks:1Ques, 3Marks:1Ques, 5Marks:1Ques}

    Chapter 9: Ray Optics and Optical Instruments


    1. What is called total internal reflection? Write the necessary conditions for this.
    2. What is the minimum deviation angle of a prism called?
    3. The radius of curvature of a concave mirror is 16 cm, find its focal length?
    4. Why does the bottom of a pond full of water appear raised?


    1. Establish a relation between focal length and radius of curvature R for a concave mirror f = R/2
    2. Define the power of a lens and write its unit
    3. Write the difference between refracting telescope and reflecting telescope.


    1. Establish the mirror formula for a spherical mirror.
    2. Establish the formula of the lens manufacturer.
    3. Establish the formula for the magnifying power of a refracting telescope.
    4. Find the expression for the magnifying power of a simple microscope, when the final image
      1. built on infinity
      2. Be at the minimum distance of clear vision.

    Chapter 10: Wave Optics


    1. What is interference? Write an example of this.
    2. Write the principle of superposition of light waves.
    3. Sound waves are more diffracted than light waves; Why?


    1. Explain Huygen’s theory of secondary wavelets.
    2. Write the epigraphs of Huygen’s wave theory


    1. Explain the phenomenon of the laws of reflection and refraction on the basis of Huygen’s theory of secondary wavelets.
    2. Young’s double slit experiment

    Unit 7 Dual Nature of Matter
    (Total Marks:5, 1Marks:3Ques, 2Marks:1Ques}

    Chapter 11: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter


    1. What is electronic? These are of type.
    2. Dual natural lighting of the scene.
    3. Double the quality of the dry?
    4. De-Boglie’s particle-wave vision in daily life?
    5. What is photo cell?

    Unit 8 Atoms & Nuclei
    (Total Marks:7, 1Marks:3Ques, 2Marks:2Ques}

    Chapter 12: Atoms


    1. Why does the gold-nucleus remain stationary during the scattering process in Rutherford’s experiment?
    2. What is called the Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum?
    3. Differentiate between Rutherford’s atomic model and Bohr’s atomic model.

    Chapter 13: Nuclei


    1. What is nuclear force called?
    2. What is nuclear fission?
    3. What is meant by binding energy of a nucleus?

    Unit 9 Electronic Devices
    (Total Marks:7, 1Marks:3Ques, 4Marks:1Ques}

    Chapter 14: Semiconductor Electronics


    1. Write the symbol and truth table of NOT, OR, AND, NOR, NAND gate
    2. How to get OR and AND gates with the help of NAND gate? Explain with the help of diagram
    3. Explain the forward and backward biases in a P-N junction diode and draw the characteristic curve for the flow of current.
    4. Explain the difference between N and P  type semiconductors.